
Our Philosophy

The Soccer Academy exists to promote players’ appreciation of soccer, to develop players’ skills necessary for team play, to provide equal opportunity for the development of individual players, and to accommodate every Mumbai youth who wants to play, regardless of ability level.

While TSA’s philosophy stresses the development of players’ physical fitness and fundamental soccer skills, equal emphasis is placed on good sportsmanship, building lasting friendships, and the sheer fun of participation.

The TSA philosophy recognizes the traditional problem of youth sports that results from the heavy emphasis placed on winning by some coaches, parents, and peer groups. While the value of winning is understood in terms of developing a healthy, competitive attitude and team spirit, it is less important than the overall objective of having each child participate and develop up to his or her own capabilities, while having fun in the process.



After the past couple of years, it’s been fantastic for all of us to see children back at school and in sports. Parents ask us frequently: “Will football coaching at school be enough?”

And our answer to that question is – it depends. It depends on what your child is looking to achieve at football. Is he a beginner wanting to improve his skills? Does she want to play for the school team? Does he see himself taking football a little more seriously? Here are some factors you should consider when deciding whether school football training is ‘enough’.

 Child’s Proficiency & Goals: This is THE fundamental factor in deciding if school football coaching is enough. This first bit is understanding your children’s footballing abilities. Are they beginners or ahead of their peers or somewhere in between? Further, is the objective just to play for a school or to genuinely improve and play competitively?

Is Football Training at School Enough?